Troubleshooting ESXI PSOD
Troubleshooting ESXi PSOD A Purple Screen of Death (PSOD) is an error screen that appears when an ESXi host experiences a critical failure or system crash. It is often caused….
Troubleshooting ESXi PSOD A Purple Screen of Death (PSOD) is an error screen that appears when an ESXi host experiences a critical failure or system crash. It is often caused….
VMware ESXi Esxtop commands Introduction to Esxtop Esxtop is a performance monitoring utility for VMware ESXi. It can be used to monitor various performance metrics of virtual machines, hosts, and….
Troubleshoot VMware ESXi using commands Introduction If you’re a system administrator, then you know the importance of being able to troubleshoot problems quickly and efficiently. And if you’re working with….
Oneliner PowerCLI- Powercli script to get ESXi hosts connection state such as Host disconnected or nonresponding. Get-VMHost |Where{$_.ConnectionState -eq ‘Disconnected’} |Select Name, ConnectionState You can also try below to send….
If you ever encounter below error while installing vib, follow the fix below : >>Could not download from depot at Zip<< If you get the below error message use full….
So recently I was trying to apply the Host profile on the newly built ESXi host and the extracted profile contains some third party vib that needs to be installed….
Troubleshooting CPU , Memory , Disk with counter threshold: CPU %RDY – >10 -% of time a VM was waiting to be scheduled. If values between 5 and 10 %….
HA deepDive by Duncan Epping finally here, check this out
Problem Set : 1 You encountered following error message when you power on virtual Machine. Resolution: Every ESX host keeps a journal for each VMFS-3 Volumes. If a VMFS Volume….