PowerCLI script that will retrieve vcenter  error

Here is a PowerCLI script that will retrieve vcenter  error events from the last 2 days from the vCenter server:

This script connects to the vCenter server, gets the current date and time, calculates the date and time for 2 days ago, and then retrieves the error events from the vCenter server using the Get-VIEvent cmdlet.

The Where-Object cmdlet is used to filter the events and only include those with a level of “Error”. Finally, the error events are displayed using the $errorEvents variable.

You can modify this script as needed to fit your specific requirements. For example, you could change the -Start and -Finish parameters of the Get-VIEvent cmdlet to specify different time periods, or you could use the -Entity parameter to specify a specific entity (such as a virtual machine) to retrieve events for.


# Connect to the vCenter server
Connect-VIServer -Server vcenter.example.com

# Get the current date and time
$currentDate = Get-Date

# Calculate the date and time for 2 days ago
$twoDaysAgo = $currentDate.AddDays(-2)

# Get the error events from the last 2 days
$errorEvents = Get-VIEvent -Start $twoDaysAgo -Finish $currentDate | Where-Object {$_.Level -eq “Error”}

# Display the error events



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