Google Cloud interview questions and answers

Google Cloud interview questions and answers

Google Cloud interview questions and answers

list of some commonly asked Google Cloud interview questions and their answers:

  1. What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a set of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search and YouTube.
  1. What are the key components of GCP?
  • The key components of GCP include Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, App Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Spanner.
  1. What is the difference between GCP and other cloud providers like AWS and Azure?
  • GCP, AWS and Azure are all popular cloud providers, but they have different offerings and pricing models. GCP is more focused on big data and analytics, while AWS is more focused on Linux and open-source technologies, and Azure is more focused on Windows and .NET.
  1. What is Google Compute Engine?
  • Google Compute Engine (GCE) is a service that allows users to run virtual machines (VMs) on Google’s infrastructure. It provides a variety of machine types and configurations to choose from, as well as the ability to create custom images and attach persistent disks.
  1. What is Kubernetes Engine?
  • Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a fully-managed service that makes it easy to run and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system.
  1. What is App Engine?
  • App Engine is a fully-managed platform for building and deploying web applications and services. It supports a variety of programming languages and frameworks and automatically handles tasks such as scaling and patching the underlying infrastructure.
  1. What is Cloud Storage?
  • Cloud Storage is a fully-managed object storage service that allows users to store and retrieve data from anywhere, at any time. It offers high durability, availability, and performance, as well as the ability to store and retrieve data from the same location.
  1. What is BigQuery?
  • BigQuery is a fully-managed, cloud-native data warehouse that enables super-fast SQL queries using the processing power of Google’s infrastructure.
  1. What is Cloud SQL?
  • Cloud SQL is a fully-managed relational database service that makes it easy to set up, manage, and administer databases using the MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server engines.
  1. What is Cloud Spanner?
  • Cloud Spanner is a fully-managed, globally-distributed, and horizontally-scalable relational database service that provides transactional consistency at a global scale.
  1. What is Cloud Dataflow?
  • Cloud Dataflow is a fully-managed service for data integration and ETL that allows users to create data pipelines for batch and streaming data.
  1. What is Cloud Dataproc?
  • Cloud Dataproc is a fully-managed cloud service for running Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark workloads. It allows users to create and manage clusters of any size and run jobs on them.
  1. What is Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?
  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a service that allows users to discover, classify, and protect sensitive data in GCP. It uses machine learning to automatically discover sensitive data and provides actionable recommendations for protecting that data.
  1. What is Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)?
  • Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) is a service that allows users to protect their applications and resources by controlling access based on the identity of the user. It allows users to authenticate and authorize access to applications and resources running on GCP.
  1. What is Cloud TPU?
  • Cloud TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) is a custom-built chip designed to accelerate machine learning workloads. It allows users to run large-scale machine learning workloads on GCP with high performance and low latency.
  1. What is Cloud Datalab?
  • Cloud Datalab is a web-based interactive tool for data exploration and visualization. It allows users to create and share Jupyter notebooks, and run SQL and BigQuery commands to analyze and visualize data.
  1. What is Stackdriver?
  • Stackdriver is a monitoring and logging service for GCP and other cloud environments. It allows users to monitor the performance and availability of their applications and services, and to troubleshoot and diagnose issues.
  1. What is Cloud Deployment Manager?
  • Cloud Deployment Manager is a service that allows users to automate the creation and management of GCP resources. It uses a simple YAML-based configuration language to describe the resources, and can deploy them across multiple environments.
  1. What are Cloud Endpoints?
  • Cloud Endpoints is a service that allows users to deploy and manage APIs on GCP. It provides features such as authentication, logging, monitoring, and more to make it easy to build and deploy APIs.
  1. What is Cloud CDN?
  • Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a service that allows users to deliver content to users with low latency and high throughput. It uses Google’s globally distributed edge points of presence to cache content closer to users and reduce the load on the origin server.
  1. What is Cloud Load Balancing?
  • Cloud Load Balancing is a service that distributes incoming traffic across multiple instances or services to ensure high availability and performance. It can automatically route traffic to the nearest available instance and scale resources up or down as needed.
  1. What is Cloud Armor?
  • Cloud Armor is a service that provides DDoS and application defense for GCP resources. It allows users to create custom security rules and policies to protect their resources from malicious traffic and attacks.
  1. What is Cloud Translation API?
  • Cloud Translation API is a service that allows users to easily translate text from one language to another. It uses neural machine translation technology to provide high-quality translations for a wide range of languages.
  1. What is Cloud Natural Language API?
  • Cloud Natural Language API is a service that allows users to extract insights from unstructured text by identifying entities, sentiment, and syntax. It can be used to analyze customer feedback, social media, and other sources of text data.
  1. What is Cloud Video Intelligence API?
  • Cloud Video Intelligence API is a service that allows users to extract information from videos by identifying objects, activities, and other features. It can be used to analyze surveillance footage, marketing videos, and other sources of video data.
  1. What is Cloud Speech-to-Text API?
  • Cloud Speech-to-Text API is a service that allows users to convert speech to text by using deep learning models. It can be used to transcribe audio recordings, voice commands, and other sources of speech data.
  1. What is Cloud Text-to-Speech API?
  • Cloud Text-to-Speech API is a service that allows users to convert text to speech by using natural-sounding voices. It can be used to create synthetic speech for use in applications such as automated customer service, voice assistants, and more.
  1. What is Cloud Translation API?
  • Cloud Translation API is a service that allows users to easily translate text from one language to another. It uses neural machine translation technology to provide high-quality translations for a wide range of languages.
  1. How does Google Cloud Platform handle security?
  • GCP provides a range of security features to protect data and resources, including encryption at rest and in transit, authentication and access controls, and network security. It also provides compliance and audit capabilities, and regularly undergoes third-party security audits and certifications.
  1. How does Google Cloud Platform handle data privacy?
  • GCP provides a range of data privacy features, including data encryption, data access controls, and data retention policies. It also provides compliance and audit capabilities, and regularly undergoes third-party privacy audits and certifications.
  1. What is Cloud SQL?
  • Cloud SQL is a fully-managed relational database service that makes it easy to set up, manage, and administer databases using the MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server engines.
  1. What is Cloud Spanner?
  • Cloud Spanner is a fully-managed, globally-distributed, and horizontally-scalable relational database service that provides transactional consistency at a global scale.
  1. What is Cloud Bigtable?
  • Cloud Bigtable is a fully-managed, petabyte-scale NoSQL database service that allows users to store and retrieve large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.
  1. What is Cloud Datastore?
  • Cloud Datastore is a fully managed, NoSQL document database service that allows users to store and retrieve structured data at scale.
  1. What is Cloud Memorystore?
  • Cloud Memorystore is a fully-managed, in-memory data store service that allows users to store and retrieve data quickly and efficiently. It is based on the open-source Redis and Memcached protocols.
  1. What is Cloud Firestore?
  • Cloud Firestore is a fully managed, NoSQL document database service that allows users to store and retrieve data in real-time.
  1. What is Cloud Storage for Firebase?
  • Cloud Storage for Firebase is a fully-managed, highly-scalable, cloud-based storage service that allows users to store and share files with Firebase and other Firebase products.

Google Cloud interview questions and answers

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