What is vMotion and How vMotion works
What is vMotion and How vMotion Work? vMotion is a technology that allows you to move a running virtual machine from one host to another with no downtime. It is….
What is vMotion and How vMotion Work? vMotion is a technology that allows you to move a running virtual machine from one host to another with no downtime. It is….
You may have read below article about the unavailable of the converter. vcenter-converter-unavailable-for-download Now it seems after so many requests they decided to bring the converter back. You can download….
After Upgrading to VCSA 7.0 , you may have encountered below error Msg “[400] An error occurred while sending an authentication request” Its because vSphere 7.0 enforce FQDN or….
Make sure you have vcenter backup and snapshot before proceed. – Login to you vcenter appliance VAMI- https://appliaceip:5480 Go- to Update : You must have an https webserver or FTPS….
So recently I was trying to apply the Host profile on the newly built ESXi host and the extracted profile contains some third party vib that needs to be installed….
Recently i have encountered an error while upgrading esxi host that “upgrade contains the following set of conflicting VIBs:scsi bfa , scsci qla.” To remove conflict vib’s, login to esxi….
Before working with iSCSI Adapter, i would suggest to go thorough the following VMware KB Considerations for iSCSI . https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2038869 Assuming iSCSI storage already in place , in my case i….
Prerequisites for below vcenter services before enabling them. SIOC- So how does it work? At a basic level SIOC is monitoring the end to end latency of a data store…..
HA deepDive by Duncan Epping finally here, check this out
what if you mistakenly delete virtual machine configuration file .vmx Or configuration file can be corrupt. To resolve the issue Log in to vSphere Client or web Client